10 Indonesian Government Scholarships That Can Help Your Dreams Come True

10 Indonesian Government Scholarships That Can Help Your Dreams Come True

Find various Indonesian government scholarships that provide educational opportunities from high school to doctoral level, with support for tuition fees, living expenses, and more.

Higher education is one of the keys to achieving a better future. However, not everyone has the financial ability to fund their own education. For this reason, the Indonesian government, through various scholarship programs, offers financial support to those in need.

This scholarship is not only limited to tuition fees, but also living expenses and other educational equipment. Here are 10 scholarships managed by the Indonesian government that can help make your dream of pursuing higher education come true.

1. Smart Indonesia Program (PIP)

The Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) is one of the assistance provided by the government for students from poor or vulnerable families. PIP aims to help education from elementary school to high school/vocational school.

This scholarship provides cash assistance that can be used for education costs, transportation, and other needs. The amount of assistance provided is as follows:

  • Elementary School/Islamic Elementary School: 450,000/year
  • Junior High School/Islamic Junior High School: 750,000/year
  • High School/Vocational School/Islamic High School: 1,000,000/year

The East Kalimantan Scholarship Completed program ensures that the registration process is usually carried out in conjunction with the new school year, providing much-needed assistance to ease the burden on underprivileged families who want to continue their education.

2. Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) for College

For high school graduates or equivalent who want to continue their education to undergraduate level but are constrained by financial problems, KIP Kuliah is here as a solution.

This scholarship provides educational assistance for students from underprivileged families. KIP Kuliah can be used to register for state and private universities. The assistance provided includes:

  • Tuition fees are in accordance with study program accreditation (maximum IDR 12 million per semester for study programs with A accreditation, and IDR 4 million for study programs with B accreditation)
  • Living costs vary from IDR 800,000 to IDR 1.4 million per month, depending on the housing cluster and campus location.
  • Registration is done through each university’s selection path, such as SNBP, UTBK SNBT, or independent path.

3. Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI)

The Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI) provides opportunities for students from D4, S1, to S3 levels to continue their studies both domestically and abroad.

This scholarship focuses on providing quality education for future teaching staff or scientists. Each year, BPI provides scholarships to more than 3,000 recipients, with registration opening twice a year, usually in April and September.

4. Outstanding Scholarship

The Unggulan Scholarship is managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), which is aimed at outstanding undergraduate to doctoral students.

This scholarship offers assistance with tuition fees, book fees, and a monthly pocket money. This scholarship is not only open to new students, but also to students who are already in semester 1 to semester 3.

Registration usually opens in October each year, and borrowers can receive funds for tuition fees and living expenses during the study period.

5. Advanced Indonesia Scholarship

The Advanced Indonesia Scholarship (BIM) is aimed at high school/vocational school students and undergraduate graduates who have achievements in academic and non-academic fields, including in science, technology, art, culture, sports, and entrepreneurship.

To be able to get this scholarship, prospective recipients must be winners or finalists in national or international competitions organized by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas).

Applications are made in several stages in June and October, and the scholarship provides assistance covering tuition fees as well as living expenses.

6. ADik Scholarship (Education Affirmation)

The ADik Scholarship is a scholarship program provided for students from disadvantaged, outermost, and isolated areas (3T), as well as children of Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI). This scholarship is also available for people with disabilities.

The ADik Scholarship covers tuition fees and living costs, adjusted to the type of university entrance selection taken. This program aims to provide equal opportunities for students from 3T areas to receive higher education at state and private universities.

7. LPDP (Education Fund Management Institute) Scholarship

LPDP Scholarship is one of the most prestigious scholarship programs managed by the Indonesian Ministry of Finance.

This scholarship is intended for Masters and Doctoral levels both domestically and abroad. LPDP has several categories, such as Targeted Scholarships, General Scholarships, Affirmative Scholarships, and Collaborative Scholarships.

Every year, LPDP provides thousands of scholarships to students who wish to continue their higher education. LPDP scholarships cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs related to study.

8. Indonesia Rising Scholarship

The Indonesia Bangkit Scholarship is a scholarship program offered by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, in collaboration with LPDP, for undergraduate to doctoral levels.

This scholarship is specifically for graduates from Madrasah Aliyah, Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan, and other educational institutions under the auspices of Islamic boarding schools.

This scholarship also covers tuition fees and living expenses, with several types of scholarship options such as the Regular S1 scholarship, Achievement S1, and Domestic Tahfidz S1 scholarship.

9. Aperti BUMN Scholarship

The Aperti BUMN Scholarship is a scholarship provided by the BUMN Higher Education Alliance for high-achieving high school/equivalent graduates who wish to continue their education at Aperti BUMN member universities, such as Pertamina University, ITPLN, Telkom University, and others.

This scholarship offers tuition and living expenses assistance to selected students. Registration for this scholarship is usually opened in June to July every year.

10. Ministry of Communication and Information Scholarship

This scholarship managed by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) is open to ASN, members of the TNI/Polri, and the general public who wish to continue their studies in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

This scholarship provides full tuition assistance at 9 domestic campuses and 5 overseas campuses. In addition, scholarship recipients will also receive monthly operational assistance. Registration for this scholarship is carried out around March every year.

These scholarships provide a variety of opportunities for Indonesian students to continue their education without being burdened by financial problems.

With a variety of government scholarship options, including the Outstanding Scholarship, each prospective recipient can choose the program that best suits their level of education and field of study.

Don’t miss this opportunity and make sure to take advantage of every scholarship program available to help make your dreams come true!